Monday, June 18, 2012

'Til My Sides Hurt: A trip to the dentist

On the way to the dentist with Hazel and Amelia I honked as we passed by our friends house. Hazel asks why I honked and I explain. All is quiet in the van for a few minutes and then she says, "Mom. This makes me think...if their house is back there it's not very far away from our house."

I giggle and reply, "You are right hunny, they aren't very far away."

"When I knew where their house was that made me think. And then it was stuck in my head and I figured it out."


We get to the dentist office and head to the plush couches. The girls climb up and sit down and Hazel immediately takes her flip-flops off. I start to tell her to put her shoes back on and she begins wiping her feet on the too-nice-for-a-dentist-office couch while saying, "My feet are sweaty so I'm wiping them off."

I thank God that she wasn't talking in ALL CAPS and then I try not to panic so I don't draw attention. Just being honest. I quietly tell her that it's rude to wipe our feet on the furniture and suggest that maybe she just wipes them on the floor next time.

"Mooooom! There's germs!"


As she jumps down from the couch she assures me, "This is my bestest way, mom."


On the way home from the dentist Amelia announces for the gazillionth time this week that she is going to have "loss and loss of birfdays."

From the backseat Hazel says, "Amelia! If you say that again, when we get home I'm going up to my bed and you are not coming with me!"

I said, "Hazel, you don't need to talk to your sister like that!"

"But Moooooom, she's being soooo aknowing!"


LaFonda Dunlap said...

Thank you so much for sharing these precious moments with me! I love them!

LaFonda Dunlap said...

Thank you so much for sharing these precious moments with me! I love them!