Tuesday, August 30, 2011


1. There are three reasons I don't usually keep Ritz crackers in the house. Buttery, Salty & Flaky. I'm powerless against their devious deliciousness. And coupled with avocado they are just deadly.

2. Why do I always manage to load the dryer and then forget to turn it on?

3. Hot Hubby left Sunday for his annual hunting trip. I'm praying that he gets a huge elk with a tiny rack. Selfish? Completly! And unashamedly.

4. The kids and I just took a whirl-wind trip to the Oregon Coast with my mom. We were gone for about 30 hours. It felt like a few days. In a good way. Except that I kept thinking Hot Hubby would be home soon. And he won't...

5. Tonight Abiah and I are going on a date with my parents. I'm hoping my lunch encounter with the Ritz crackers  was a great preparation for the Ethiopian Feast-ival we will have tonight. I'm delusional like that.

6. Ten points to the first person who can tell me in which cartoon movie a cat accidentally says feastival instead of festival when talking to a group of mice!

7. There's not a whole lot that I like better than a nice pedicure at a fancy schmancy salon. A free pedicure is even better! But stubbing your toe the day after you receive said free pedicure and chipping the beautiful taupe-y polish really puts a damper on things.

8. Jackson started rolling over from his back to his tummy at three months. But only when he would get mad.

9. It's possible that I would flip him back to his back just to watch him roll over again.

10. When he's older he won't get away with having a nasty attitude like that. I figure I'll let him take advantage of it while he can...


Anonymous said...

Either american tale or stuart little, jila

Rachel @ Grasping for Objectivity said...

Now I want Ritz. And a 30 hour vacation. Thanks a lot.