Saturday, September 26, 2009

Cannibalism Runs In The Family And Other New Stories

Abiah was talking to me & Hazel about dinner the other night. Well, it was more like rambling...any who, he's talking about what I cooked for dinner and starts listing off the ingredients I "used", "salt, pepper, rice, venchables (vegetables), people...", he looks at me to see if I heard and asks, "Mom, do you eat people?" I reply, "Yup. that's why I want you to eat your dinner. So I can grow you up good and eat you." He laughed and pushed his bowl back and said, "Well, I'm not gonna eat then." then he got quiet and 30 seconds later he asked, "Really Mom?"

I did of course reassure him that I don't eat people, but he might want to watch out for Amelia.


My mom has been so helpful to me lately. Well, always really, but lately when she comes over she seems to find time to fold my ever-existing mound of laundry on the couch. Well, one day I managed to conquer this task while the kids were napping and when I brought the girls down stairs Hazel saw the folded piles of clothes and exclaimed, "Baba!" (which is Maga, which means Grandma). I rolled my eyes as I laughed and told her that mommy had folded the laundry, but she still looked around the house for Baba. Whatever!


Abiah informed me that when he gets older he's gonna get a sword or gun and fight Satan.


Hazel picked up Abiah's stuffed dog uniquely named "Puppy" and sniffed it's butt. I don't know why she felt the need or where she got the idea from. But she did it. And it is totally mommy blog material.


My Mom took Abiah into the restroom at Costco and when he needed help with unmentionable things she asked him to unlock the door for her. He asked he why she couldn't just crawl under like he does. Ewwwwww! I had NO idea. I swear.


My husband, Nathan, has a false tooth. He didn't have all of his adult teeth and the dentist pulled a baby tooth that didn't have a replacement so he wears a retainer with a false tooth. Abiah LOVES to do EVERYTHING Daddy does. So, when he saw Nathan take his false tooth out while brushing his teeth Abiah ran to his bed room and got his toy teeth (They are all silver with jewels on them. Very Flavor Flav. I know.) and put them into his mouth so he could take them out before brushing his teeth.

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